Thursday, November 28, 2019
Euthanasia To Help Or Hinder Essays - Medical Ethics, Euthanasia
Euthanasia: To Help Or Hinder? Personally, I disagree with euthanasia. I don't think God intended for man to decide when, where, and how to take anyone's life. Sometimes we as humans feel we are helping others and in actuality end up hurting more than anything. A prime example is Dr. Kevorkian. Kevorkian assisted approximatley thirty people with euthanasia. He and his patients thought they were helping to end a life of pain and misery. In reality, they left behind more pain and misery than peace. I think it was morally wrong to let Kevorkian kill all those people because had he been a minority, with society being the way it is today, he would have been arrested after the first few acts of euthanasia. But because Kevorkian is viewed as a powerful white male he was allowed to get awat with numerous euthanasia killings. I thought this to be very inhumane seeing that after he assisted the people in dying, he dropped their bodies off at different hospitals. To me, this is like someone dropping garbage off at a waste site. That does't seem very caring or humane to me. It looks like you're just out for the financial rewards to be obtained as a result of a service. Another point that makes me curious about Kevorkian and doctors like him is that the American Medical Association does not honor or acknowledge them. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone like this assisting me with any medical matter. There were several patients who did not give Kevorkian permission to perform euthanasia, but he did anyway. These people's rights were violated. If they were like a lot of terminally ill people, they aren't able to consent to anything. If these people are in this condition, how can you help them? You can't even determine if they want your help or not. It is not up to another human to determine the fate of someone else. Because of this god-like pratice, we need laws passed against euthanasia before it is uncontrollable. If it is not put under control, eventually, hospitals and everyone else will perform euthanasia without asking permission from anyone. Who knows, someone who is not very knowledgeable may order this mercy killing when it is not needed; If this becomes a habit there, will be a lot of people dying needlessly. There are a lot of people like Dr. Kevorkian who have good intentions, but who carry them out through the wrong actions. These people will be held accountable for their actions in the end, if not in a court of law, then by God. Current Events
Monday, November 25, 2019
Announcing the Worlds Ultimate Book Title Generator Reedsy
Announcing the Worlds Ultimate Book Title Generator Reedsy Announcing the World's Ultimate Book Title Generator Titling a book is a bit similar to picking a Fantasy Football team: you're never sure which one’s the perfect fit and you end up trashing sixty combinations in the end, anyway. But the good news is that you’re not alone if you’re stressed about your book title. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice started out as First Impressions. Ernest Hemingway spent months discarding titles before deciding on A Sun Also Rises. Then there was George Orwell, who once planned to title the now-iconic 1984 as The Last Man in Europe. We’re familiar with the struggle, which is why we’re pleased to announce our book title generator: a resource for anyone who’s in need of some title inspiration. It’s got something for everyone, whether you’re dabbling in fantasy, mystery, romance, science fiction, and thriller. Best of all, it stores 10,000+ titles, so you’ll never run out of potential titles again!!Any questions about ti tling your book? Leave them in the comments below.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Research Paper - 2
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property - Research Paper Example In fact, it is used as a reference point by both the proponents and opponents of ethical considerations in business. The case points out how intellectual property rights can be used both to the defense of the company as well as against it. However, the success of the company was crippled by the way PharmaCARE responded to ethical and legal issues that it was faced with. Being a medical giant, it thrived on research and made a breakthrough of a diabetes drug, AD23, which slowed down the terrible infringement of Alzheimer’s (Heinrich, 2003). In the face of high demand for the product, PharmaCARE set up a sister company called CompCARE and made it the compounding pharmacy to manufacture the drug (Heinrich, 2003). Soon, it became a mass hysteria to acquire this drug thus pushing CompCARE into methods outside the scope of what a compounding pharmacy is authorized to do. According to Halbert & Ingulli (2012) the end result was the death of over 200 people from cardiac arrests associated with the drug. The results were catastrophic to all the stakeholders of the company including the workers and patients. For instance, John who was a former researcher lost his wife because of using the drug. The downfall of PharmaCARE was brought about by the unethical business practices it engaged in. In the case of PharmaCARE, ethical considerations were evidently compromised by the firm and its management. The first ethical issue is when the company wrongfully capitalized on Colberians availability to be hired at the lowest wage rate thus exploiting their labor for a meager amount of compensation. Moreover the willingness of the locals to share vital information regarding indigenous cures was also exploited and the benefits did not trickle down to the indigenous people. In so doing, the firm violated legal and moral boundaries of a civilized and ethical society (Veatch & Haddad, 2008). The actions of the firm were also an evident
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Evaluation of the patnership council in nottingham Essay
Evaluation of the patnership council in nottingham - Essay Example The energy squad is on the progress of the Eco house that has been built with expensive technology funded by "partnership council" is demonstrating and teaching cost-effective, environmental DIY (do-it-yourself) (Joaana, 2014; pg. 23). The council offers training on how to save on water metered bills and energy with the aim of reducing household costs and fuel bills in a collective environmental change towards the British Government’s plan of reducing fuel misuse and carbon emission by 80% by 2050. Additionally, using permaculture techniques, the council has enabled people to grow food in small-recycled containers. The use of the containers help in averting environmental degradation, and the food has significantly improved food security in the GN 7 area. Green grants offered by volunteers have ominously assisted inhabitants of GN 7 to increase their food productivity while contributing to the greater objective of conserving the environment especially the depleted neighborhoods. The council also exists to identify and recognize exclusive programs of brilliance and inspire the replication of model programs that help in fuel saving and/or increase in food production throughout the NG 7 region (Joaana, 2014; pg. 34). It has magnificently used its meager funds, mostly from donations, to support such programs and ensure that the society outstandingly reap from the healthy projects. It has fostered creativity in services that support a ‘livable community.’ Moreover, the council has also participated actively in identifying the shifting needs and preferences of the population. It maintains a good relationship with the residents to identify their worries and hopes and turn the hopes and/or anticipations into veracities. Through initiation of several programs that increase food productivity, the council has made significant changes
Monday, November 18, 2019
What is the relationship between happiness and meaning Why Essay - 1
What is the relationship between happiness and meaning Why - Essay Example life, this study will discuss about the Meaning of life, how logotherapy could enable an individual to recognize the meaning of life, happiness, and the relationship between the Meaning of life and happiness. The meaning of life is found in every second of our breath. Life simply goes on without ceasing the meaning of life even in times of depression or death. According to Frankl, â€Å"The meaning of our existence is not invented by us; but rather detected.†(Frankl, 1963; p. 157) Meaning in Viktor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ refers to the reasons that gives us a sense of purpose in our life. The collection of Meaning could be one’s health, approval and acceptance among our friends, having luxurious things and material wealth, a good love life and family relations, comfort, happiness, or anything that drives us to live. (Dodson, 2007) On the other hand, when a person lacks all the necessary things that I had mentioned earlier, people generally suffers due to lack of material comfort. According to Frankl, people that survive under the circumstances of great sufferings have a Meaning, Purpose, and Hope to make them hold on with life. Some people find ‘hope’ by establishing their spiritual relationship with Godi. Experiencing a value can be in a form of love. When we experience loving a significant other or loving friends and family members, we tend to overcome the negative aspects such as problems or depression in our lives. Suffering, according to Frankl is about attitudinal values. The author stated that when a person lives his life with a meaning, that person could always endure life with dignity. (Frankl, 1963; p. 117) It is possible to find the meaning through suffering; by loving and helping other people find the meaning of life could work wonderfully in the life of A person’s will to Meaning or his/her determination to strive in determining the real meaning of life is also a major factor that makes a person able to succeed in the
Friday, November 15, 2019
A leader must have followers
A leader must have followers It is a relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people. A leader must have followers. Leaders create a vision and then communicate the vision to his followers. Leader energies, inspire and motivate others to translate the vision into achievement. A good leader must have qualities, personality, characteristics or traits. Leadership traits include personal magnetism or charisma (gift from GOD), interpersonal skills, analytical thinking, imagination, decisiveness, trustworthiness, persuasiveness, self motivation, flexibility and vision. There are some styles of leadership: Autocratic: The manager makes all the decisions and issues instructions which must be obeyed without question. Advantages: Quick decisions can be made when speed is required It is most efficient type of leadership for highly programmed, routine work Disadvantages: Communication between the manager and subordinate will be one way. There may be lack of helpful feedback It does not encourage contribution or initiative from subordinates Persuasive: The manger still makes all the decisions, but explains them to subordinates, and attempts to motivate subordinates to carry them out willingly. Advantages: Selling decisions to staff might make them more willing Staff will have a better idea of what to do when unforeseen events arise in their work, because the manager will have explained his intensions. Disadvantages: Subordinates will not necessarily be committed to decisions in which they have not been involved There is no contribution or feedback of subordinates Democratic: Leader and followers make the decision together, on the basis of consensus, or compromise and agreement. Advantages: It can provide high commitment to the decision reached It takes advantage of the knowledge and expertise of individuals in different areas, for high quality, flexible decision making Disadvantages: The authority of the manager might be undermined Decision making might become a very long process Clear cut decisions might be difficult to reach Participative: The manager confers with subordinates and takes their views and feelings into account, but retains the right to make the final decision. Advantages: Employees are involved in decisions. This encourages motivation through greater interest and involvement. Employees can contribute knowledge and experience, to help in solving problems related to their work. Disadvantages: it might take longer to reach decisions subordinates might be limited in their viewpoint on organizational issues if the manager does not take employees advice, they might perceive the process to be meaningless P7: explain the different motivational theories and their application within the workplace Motivation: Motivation is the driving force which causes us to achieve goals. Motivation may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality. F.W. Taylor: Taylor made the first serious attempt to analyze worker motivation in order to advise management on the best ways to increase worker performance or productivity. The techniques he used of establishing an idea or an hypothesis, studying and recording performance at work, altering working methods and re-recording performance are still used in modern industry. This approach has become known as scientific management due to the detailed recording and analysis of results that it involved. His main aim was to reduce the level of inefficiency that existed in the US manufacturing industry. The scope for efficiency gains in early twentieth century manufacturing plants was huge. The vast mass of workers were untrained and non-specialized. They were poorly led by supervisors and managers with little or no formal training in dealing with people. There was usually no formal selection or appraisal system of staff and many were recruited on a daily or weekly basis with no security of employment. How to improve productivity (Taylors scientific approach): Select workers to perform a task. Observe them performing the task and note the key elements of it. Record the time taken to do each part of the task. Identify the quickest method recorded. Train all workers in this quickest method and do not allow them to make any changes in it. Supervise workers to ensure that this best way is being carried out and to time them to check that the set time is not being exceeded. Pay workers on the basis of results (based on the theory of economic man) The theory of economic man was widely held, and Taylor himself supported this notion. The view was that man was driven or motivated by money alone and the only factor that could stimulate further effort was the chance of earning extra money. He always maintained that workers should be paid a fair days pay for a fair days work and that the amount should be directly linked up to output through a system known as piece rate. This means paying workers a certain amount for each unit produced. To encourage high output a low rate per unit can be set for the first units produced and then higher rates become payable if output targets are exceeded. Elton Mayo: Elton Mayo is best known for his Hawthorne Effect conclusions. These were based on a series of experiments he and his team conducted over a five year period at the Hawthorne factory of Western Electric Co. in Chicago. His work was initially based on the assumption that working conditions (lightning, heating, rest periods and so on) had a scientific effect on workers productivity. Experiments were undertaken to establish the optimum working conditions at all. The results surprised all observers, as lightning and all other conditions were changed, both improved and worsened, so productivity rose in all groups including the control group. This forced Mayo to accept that: Working conditions in themselves were not that important in determining productivity levels Other motivational factors needed to be investigated further before conclusions could be drawn. Subsequent experiments were carried out with a group of assembly line workers. Changes to rest periods, payment systems, assembly bench layout and canteen food were made at twelve week intervals. Crucially, before every major change, the researchers discussed the new changes with the work group. At the end of the experiments the working conditions and work hours were returned to how they had been before the start of the trial. Output rose far above the original level. Maslow hierarchy theory: Maslows hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. Then in 1954 this theory was fully expressed in his book Motivation and Personality. Maslows hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top. The most fundamental and basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called deficiency needs or d-needs: esteem , friendship and love, security, and physical needs. With the exception of the most fundamental (physiological) needs, if these deficiency needs are not met, the body gives no physical indication but the individual feels anxious and tense. Maslows theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. Maslows hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom: This hierarchy was interpreted by Maslow as follows: individuals needs start on the lowest level once one level of need has been satisfied, humans will strive to achieve the next level self-actualization or self-fulfillment is not reached by many people but everyone is capable of reaching their potential once a need has been satisfied it will no longer motivate individuals to action, thus when material needs have been satisfied the offer of more money will not increase productivity Herzberg and the Two factor theory: Despite basing his research on just 200 professionally qualified workers, Herzbergs conclusions and famous two factor theory have had the greatest impact on motivational practices since Taylors work almost 60 years earliest. His research was based around questionnaires and interviews with employees with the intension of discovering: those factors that led to them having very good feelings about their jobs and those factors that led to them having very negative feelings about their jobs. His conclusions were that: Job satisfaction resulted from five main factors: achievement, recognition for achievement, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. He called these factors the motivators. He considered the last three to be the most significant. Job dissatisfaction resulted from five different factors: company policy and administration, supervision, salary, relationships with others and working conditions. He termed these hygiene factors. These were the factors that surround the job itself (extrinsic factors) rather than the work itself (intrinsic factors). Herzberg considered that the hygiene factors had to be addressed by management to prevent dissatisfaction, but even if they were in place they would not, by themselves, create a well-motivated workforce. Vrooms theory: Vrooms theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. The key elements to this theory are referred to as Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence. The Expectancy Theory of Victor Vroom deals with motivation and management. Vrooms theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Together with Edward Lawler and Lyman Porter, Vroom suggested that the relationship between peoples behavior at work and their goals was not as simple as was first imagined by other scientists. Vroom realized that an employees performance is based on individuals factors such as personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities. The expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be motivated if they believe that: There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance, Favorable performance will result in a desirable reward, The reward will satisfy an important need, The desire to satisfy the need is strong enough to make the effort worthwhile. P8: Assess the relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management. Payment or financial reward system: Hourly wage rate: This is the most common way of paying manual, clerical and non-management workers. An hourly time rate is set for the job perhaps by comparing with other firms or similar jobs and the wage level is determined by multiplying this by the number of hours worked. This total is usually paid weekly. Piece rate: A rate is fixed for the production of each unit, and the workers wages therefore depend on the quantity of output produced. The piece rate can be adjusted to reflect the difficulty of the job and the standard time needed to complete it. These issues are determined by work study. The level of the rate can be very important. If set too low it could demotivate the workers but if too high it could reduce the incentives, because workers will be able to meet their target wage level by producing relatively few units. Salary: This is an annual sum that is usually paid on a monthly basis. It is the most common form of payment for professional, supervisory and management staff. The salary level is fixed each year and it is not dependent on the number of hours worked (time rate) or the number of units produced (piece rate). The fixing of the salary level for each job is a very important process because it helps to determine the status of that post in the whole organization. Job evaluation techniques may be used to assist in deciding the salary bands and the differences between them. In most organizations, all jobs will be put into one of a number of salary bands and the precise income earned within each band will depend upon experience and progress. It is always possible to gain promotion to another job in a higher salary band. Firms that are interested in creating a single status within their organization are now increasingly putting all staff manual and managerial on to annual salaries to give the benefi ts of security and status to all employees. Example of salary bands: Job grade Salary band (per year) Regional heads Rs.100000 Rs.200000 Departmental heads Rs.50000 Rs.75000 Office managers Rs.30000 Rs.40000 Secretaries Rs.15000 Rs.25000 Junior clerical staff Rs.5000 Rs.10000
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Neo-Nazis Essay -- essays research papers
Today there are many active hate groups in the United States such as the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi, Skinheads, Christian identity, and the Black Separatists. These hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, which is one of America’s oldest and more feared, use violence and move above the law to promote their causes. Another example is a group called Christian Identity, who promotes a religion that is mainly racist and anti-Semitic. Another group are the Black Separatist groups, they are organizations whose basically are all based on hatred. We know alot about these groups because of the Intelligence Project these are citizen’s reports, law enforcement agencies, field sources and news reports that make us aware of the racism. Many people know how these groups act and think and most of the American people agree that these hate groups are immoral and should not be allowed to exist neither in the United States nor on the rest of the world.      All the hate groups know that they can only flourish if they continue to recruit new members. Three of the most obvious similarities among hate groups members are their sex, male; their race, Caucasian; and their age, 35 years old or younger. Many people think that the reason young people are willing to join hate groups in high school and in college is that they are uncertain about their own futures. People believe that young people who join hate groups are people with the least education and the least hope for the future in...
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